Wallacea Coffee Certified Wild Kopi Luwak Coffee Ground, Civet Coffee, Kopi Luwak From Gayo Sumatra Indonesia Low Acid Coffee (8.8 Oz)


100% GROUND WILD CIVET CAT COFFEE BEANS (NO HARM!) – Now you have a chance to enjoy the most authentic and expensive coffee in the world. These beans are not a fraudulent blend but pure gathered from Asian Palm Civet. We are supported Indonesian government and Gayo Coffee Protection Society Foundation, 100% guaranteed that there is no animal has been ABUSED or HARMED to produce this coffee beans (Please watch our video)

SOURCED FROM TAKENGON CITY, ACEH, SUMATRA, INDONESIA – Grown above 1.400 meters, Gayo Arabica coffee has thrived and is consistently rated as one of the best among Indonesia’s many coffee growing regions. Our ”Kopi Luwak’ is a combination of one of the best Arabica coffee in the world and legendary natural selection process from Asian Palm Civet. This combination thus creates a luxurious cup of coffee. We have worked closely internal and externally with over 89 locals farmers

Nutrition: kopi luwak has more malic acid, citric acid and it is full of inositol, which helps the body in numerous ways than any other type of coffee tested.

THE COFFEE EXPERIENCE – This coffee is perfect for a person who has a sensitive stomach or caffeine intolerance. The natural enzymes in the civet’s intestines make the beans less acidic and remove some caffeine from the coffee beans. You can now enjoy coffee every day without worrying about having an upset stomach or heart racing or palpitations. This adds to the high aroma, the smooth taste and the low bitterness of Kopi Luwak Coffee.

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