Social Dog Blend, Full Bodied Organic Coffee With Complex Yet Smooth Notes Of Milk Chocolate, Roasted Peanuts, Brown Sugar, Graham Cracker, Fresh Ground 12Oz


Treat yourself and a friend. This Social Dog Blend by is made for sharing because it’s lively and sweet roasted together for one intense blend

FOMO in a cup. Don’t miss out on this full-bodied, complex blend of organic . Medium level caffeine to kickstart your social gatherings or a night out on the town

Super sweet and very desserty. Notes of milk chocolate, roasted peanuts, brown sugar, graham cracker crust. Drink it neat or add a little milk, maybe a chocolate croissant or definitely some Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Drink this rich, sugary core coffee black with our French press or try it as a cold brew. Both taste amazing when you’re alone and relaxing or out with your crew

Responsibly sourced fair trade and USDA certified organic coffee freshly roasted and prepared at in California. Fresh ground blend that ships right to your doorstep, wherever that might be

5 in stock

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