BRAZILIAN GROUND COFFEE: Freshly ground coffee from Santos, Brazil. This region in southern Brazil is known for its delicious, bold yet very smooth coffee. This heavy-bodied coffee captures the spirit of South America. It’s low in acidity, features a nutty and rich chocolate taste with a dash of spice that lingers on the palate.
SPECIALTY GRADE COFFEE: Screen 18 refers to the sorting screen used to differentiate size/quality of coffee beans. Coffee grown at higher elevations produce larger and denser beans that contribute to superior tasting coffee. We only source SCREEN 18 beans to deliver the best, carefully crafted cup of gourmet coffee.
MEDIUM – DARK ROAST: Our 100% Arabica specialty coffee beans are roasted to a delicious medium – dark level to bring out each bean’s unique flavor. Then they are ground to a universal grind size, perfect for at-home coffee brewing.
1 LB BAG: Premium kraft coffee bag with de-gassing filter for optimal freshness. The thick foil-lined bag ensures your ground coffee stay fresh!
FRESHLY ROASTED IN MIAMI, FL – is roasted & packed in small batches to ensure freshness. Our company was founded in 1945 and our legacy spans three generations of pride, heritage, expertise, and tradition.
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