Drink Concentrate 16Oz Bottle (Jamaica, 2 Pack)


2- 16 FL oz bottle of Jamaica Drink Concentrate / HIBISCUS

16 oz bottle of concentrate makes about 1 gallon

For every part of concentrate add 7 parts of water, add ice and enjoy this natural delicious tropical drink!

Dried hibiscus flowers, known in Mexico as jamaica (pronounced ”ha-ma-ike-ah”, rather than like the name of the Carribbean island country) have long been available in health food stores in the U.S. for making a tea that is high in vitamin C.

With the advent of interest in south-of-the-border cuisine, hibiscus flowers are sold in bags. This drink is particularly good for people who have a tendency, temporary or otherwise, toward water retention: it is a mild and completely natural diuretic.

5 in stock

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