Brazilian Coffee , Cafe Pilão Tradicional 500G , Imported From Brazil , Gluten Free, 17.6 Ounces, Caramel Chocolate


Coffee Origin Sul de Minas growing region, southern Minas Gerais State, Brazil , Roaster Location – Sao Paulo, Brazil , Roast Level – Very Dark

Blind Assessment – In the aroma rich and simple, with musty/medicinal notes that aspire to chocolate but don’t quite get there , In the cup full-bodied but gritty in mouthfeel, with dominating fermented fruit notes that can read as raisin or dried apricot and semi-sweet chocolate , Sweet in the short finish, astringent in the long.

is a traditional Brazilian-style coffee, grown, roasted, ground (very finely) and packaged in Brazil, and distributed in the United States.

Who Should Drink It – Lovers of the slow-roasted, fruity-fermented coffees ordinary folk all over Latin America drink , represents the down-home style of Brazilian coffee.

Most North American coffee drinkers will be put off by its almost composty fermented fruit notes, but others may enjoy this ambiguous flavor character.

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