Ka`U Coffee Experience, 3 Pack Single Origin Hand Picked Peaberry, Trust Blend, Natural Dark Roast


Ka`u 3 Pack Heritage experience, just like in our store!

Award Winning Hawaiian Ka’u Coffee, single estate sustainably grown at high altitude and handpicked. The soils of the district are young volcanic ash deposits from nearby Kilauea volcano; they are well drained and acidic in nature which the coffee plants love.

Naturally, processed coffees typically have heavier mouthfeel and exotic flavor profiles. Coffee beans are dried intact with all of their layers in this process including the coffee cherry and mucilage. The coffee beans are left to rest inside the cherry pods before being peeled (hulled) and prepared for shipment. At this stage the cherry is the texture of fruit leather. The result is the dense heavy body and exotic, wild berry flavors that have become synonymous with natural processed coffees.

Dark Roast Cupping Notes: Fruity, winey taste with notes of cherry, strawberry, passion fruit, and hibiscus. Also, a spiciness of cinnamon, cloves, and cedar. Finished with a heavy body and tones of cocoa and molasses. Delicious for a pour-over as well as espresso!

Kau Coffee Mill is Hawaiian full-service coffee plantation located in the district of Kau on the Island of Hawaii. Our beans are stored green and small batch fresh roasted daily. The Hawaiian climate of the region provides sunny hot mornings, then a characteristic cloud filled afternoon with light rains. Then at night the cold mountain air flows off of Mauna Loa towards the coast cooling the region and allowing the coffee to store energy and sugars within the ripening beans. Made with Aloha!

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